Magento 2 Popup Builder Full Features

Create amazing & highly converted popups that reach the right customers at the right time

Build Popups

Builder Interface

Drag & Drop Interface

Create your popups quickly with a user-friendly drag & drop interface: moving elements around, resizing them, and changing their margins & paddings.

10+ Elements

Pick from 10+ elements and customize them to build any desired popups: heading, text block, single image, popup action button, countdown, newsletter form, etc.

30+ Templates

Choose your favourite templates and tailor them to your needs. We have beautiful & functional templates for every type of popup. 

Style Popups


Popup Width & Height

Adjust popup width in pixels. Set popup height as Fit To Content, Fit To Screen, or set a custom height value in pixels.

Popup Background

Choose a color or upload an image for the popup background. Control the position, size and repeating of the background image.

Popup Borders

Customize the style, color, thickness & radius of the popup border.

Popup Shadow

Add shadow to your popups with the ability to fine-tune shadow color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur, spread and position.

Close Icon Styles

Style the close icon with various options including position, color, background color, size and box shadow.

Overlay Background Styles

Set a color or use an image as the overlay background. Adjust the position, size and repeating of the overlay image.

Animation Effects

Control how your popups appear and exit with a wide range of entrance and exit animation effects.

Content Position

Specify the vertical position of the content inside the popup when the popup height is greater than the content height.

9 Popup Positions

Display your popups at 9 default positions relative to the browser window. You can also adjust these positions using margin controls.

Responsive Popups

Automatically adapt your popups to any screen size. Besides, you can modify the popup design separately for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Custom Class & CSS

Add custom class & CSS to style your popups’ appearance further.

Set General Rules

Design Options

Target to Specific Customer Groups

Make the popup visible only to specific customer groups.

Set Active Date Range

Set the popup to show within a certain date range. 

Display on Specific Store Views

Display the popup on specific store views.

Set Display Conditions


Entire Site

Display the popup on your entire website.

Specific Pages

Show the popup on specific pages, namely CMS pages, category pages, product pages, cart page or checkout page. 

Include/Exclude Specific Pages

Use Include or Exclude condition to show or hide the popup on specific pages.

Set Triggers

On Page Load

Trigger the popup after a certain number of seconds upon page load.

On Scroll

Trigger the popup after users scroll up or down a specific percentage of the page.

On Scroll to Element

Trigger the popup when users scroll to a specific element.

On Hover

Show the popup when users hover over a specific element.

On Number of Clicks

Show the popup after a specific number of clicks anywhere on the page.

After Inactivity

Show the popup after a specific number of seconds of user inactivity.

On Page Exit Intent

Show the popup when the users’ mouse activity indicates intent to exit the page (when the cursor moves outside the upper page boundary).

Set Advanced Rules

50 Elements

Show After X Page Views

Trigger the popup after a specific number of page views.

Show Again After X Minutes

Show the popup again after a certain number of minutes.

Show Up To X Times

Specify maximum times the popup will be displayed.

Show Based On Where Users Arrive From

Show the popup if users arrive from a specific URL, or from search engines, internal links and external links.

Show On Specific Devices

Display the popup on desktop, tablet landscape, tablet portrait, mobile landscape and/or mobile portrait.

Hide From Existing Subscribers

Hide the popup from existing subscribers of your website.

Meet Cart Price Rules

Show the popup if specific cart price rules are met.

Show On Certain Days of Week

Only display the popup on certain days of the week.

Set Active Hours

Specify the popup’ active hours per day.

Track Popup Performance

Popup Reports

View statistics on the number of popup views, clicks and conversion rates in a visual line chart.

Report Filters

Filter the reports by store view and date range. 

Other Features

Popup Grid

Manage all popups in a grid in the backend.

Show Close Button After X Seconds

Make the close button visible after a specific number of seconds upon page load.

Auto Close Popup After X Seconds

Close the popup automatically after a specific number of seconds upon page load.

Prevent Closing on Overlay Background

Prevent the popup from being closed when users click on the overlay background.

Prevent Closing on ESC Key

Prevent the popup from being closed when users press the ESC key.

Disable Page Scrolling

Prevent the page from being scrolled when the popup is open.

Avoid Multiple Popups

Prevent multiple popups from being opened at the same time on a page.


Magezon Page Builder

Besides 10+ elements of Popup Builder, you can use 50+ elements from Magezon Page Builder to build your popups.

Blue Form Builder

Use the Magento Widget element to add any form created by Blue Form Builder to your popups.

Efficient Workflow


Advanced Features





Support & Documentation

Support & Documentation


  • Chat with us directly via the online support channel to quickly get help with either technical issues or pre-sale questions.


Besides Live Chat, you can contact us via Ticket or Email to get support at our working time.

User Guide

A comprehensive guide for each Magezon extension on how to use the extension step-by-step.

Blog Tutorials

Read our blog to get tips on E-commerce success and learn all about how to use Magezon extensions as well as Magento.

Video Tutorials

Watch our video tutorial series on our Magezon Youtube channel to know how to use our extensions in detail.

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