Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification Magento Marketplace Extension Verified

Update customers about their favorite items through emails

Extension has been verified successfully by Magento Marketplace

Magezon guarantee all products have to meet the requirement of developing extensions according to Extension Quality Program on Magento Marketplace. The program is powered by Magento expertise, development guidelines, and verification tools.

Passing the verification confirms the best coding structure, performance, scalability, and compatibility with Magento 2 core of the extension.

The EQP program consists of 3 review processes including Business Review, Technical Review and Marketing Review. The Technical Review is the toughest one with careful checklist:

  • Check Code Quality/Syntax
  • Check for Viruses and Malware
  • Check for Plagiarism
  • Verify that Product Installs Correctly
  • Verify that Varnish Works Correctly
  • Quality Assurance: Pass Manual QA

EQP explanation can be found in this official blog post from Magento. View Out Of Stock Notification on Magento Market Place


Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification is a powerful tool that updates your customers with every change in their concerned products through emails. Get it today to boost sales, streamline your market research process, and nurture your customer relationship!

Community Edition: 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Enterprise Edition: 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x

Installation Service is optional and covers installation of the extension by our team into a single Magento location. Live, dev or staging servers/locations are treated as separate.

Priority Support Service - assigning a higher priority to all your support request by moving them to the top of the ticket waiting list.
30 days money back
FREE lifetime updates
90 days free support

Magento 2

Out Of Stock Notification

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification is a powerful tool that updates your customers with every change in their concerned products through emails. 

Get it today to boost sales, streamline your market research process, and nurture your customer relationship!

A Triple Win For Your Business

Enhance customer satisfaction

Your customers can easily follow their desire item’s status, which is out of stock, back to stock, or changes in price. All will be notified through emails.

Boost sales

If the customer demand exceeds your stock, it's likely that you will lose sales. But letting customers subscribe to receive information about the out-of-stock items is a chance for both you and your customers to save the good deals. Double win!

Streamline your market research

The extension gives you the ability to find what products are in high demand and adjust your stock appropriately. Plus, displaying the notify button motivates guest visitors to leave their contact. So conducting your market research was never this easy!

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | All Customer Groups Supported

All Customer Groups Supported

Magento 2 out of stock notification supports all customer groups: not logged in, general, wholesale, and retailer.

The best part is that, needless to log in, everyone who visits your website can subscribe for product alerts by leaving their email address. So this is a sure-fire way to gain more precious contacts from guest visitors and then turn them into your customers.

Display The “Notify Me” Button On Any Pages

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification|Display The “Notify Me” Button On Any Pages

Magento 2 out-of-stock notification does not limit the placement of the "notify me" button on your website, from the home page, category pages, to product pages. No matter what entry point people see their concerned items, it's super convenient for them to hit the subscribe button and receive the product alerts.

On Home Page

Any products displayed on the home page will go with a "Notify me" button so that visitors can subscribe at once without navigating to the category pages.

On Product Pages

On the product pages, there will be a subscription message and a field for visitors to leave their email addresses. If they are logged in, the email addresses will be available. All they need to do is to hit the "notify me" button!

On Category Pages

The button is also displayed on the category pages. If visitors click on it, they will be redirected to the product page of that item.

Enable Stock And Price Subscriptions

Once a visitor subscribes to a product, they will receive notification emails if there are any changes. Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification supports three email types that are: out of stock, back to stock, and price change alert.

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification|Enable Stock And Price Subscriptions

Automatically And Smartly Send Emails

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Automatically Send Emails

Automatically Send Emails

Magento 2 out-of-stock notification gives you the flexibility to automatically or manually send an email when your product is out of stock, back in stock or changes in price.

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Customizable Email Templates

Customizable Email Templates

You can set up and design your email templates from the admin panel to deliver your brand identity best.

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Send Emails Based On Stock Quantity

Send Email Based On Stock Quantity

Besides, you have the option to give the system permission to send emails only if the quantity is more than a certain amount.

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Choose Email Sender And Email Templates

Choose Email Sender And Email Templates

Other than that, Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification allows you to select your desired email sender and email templates, which will optimize your email deliverability for sure.

Customer Subscription Backend Management

Magento 2 out-of-stock notification gives you full control over your product subscription. Within a grid, you can filter and track subscribers’ information to know what products are in high demand. 

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Customer Subscription Backend Management
Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Subscribed Product Fronend Management

Subscribed Product Frontend Management

The configuration section gives you space to specify the route of the Customer Subscription page from the front end. Here your customers can easily follow and manage the number of products they have subscribed to receive email notifications. Also, it's possible for them to unsubscribe all items at once.

Highly Customizable Button

Concerning the button design? Not to worry. You are empowered to create and customize the notify button to make it fit with your web theme. Just go to the configuration section, you'll find it easy to customize the: button color, text color, text message, and button size.

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Highly Customizable Button

And More Features

Besides the above out-of-the-box, Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification also brings you more amazing features. Let's take a look to see what they are!

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Send successful subscription email

Send subscription success email

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Support all types of products

Support all types of products

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Customizable text message

Customizable text message

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | Unsubscribe anytime

Stop notify button

Amazing Aftersales Support And Tutorials

Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment | Premium Online Support

Premium Online Support

Magezon is offering top class online support to handle all your requests. All your requests will be resolved within 24 hours.

Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment | Knowledge Base and Video Tutorials

Knowledge Base and Video Tutorials

We provide Video Tutorials with visual guidance for using the extension. Besides, you can use User Guide for every tiny detail.

Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification | LifeTime Updates Free of Charge

LifeTime Updates Free of Charge

We guarantee that you don’t have to pay for any Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification update. Make a one-time payment and you will get FREE lifetime updates.

Feature Full List

General Configuration

  • Enable/disable the module
  • Specify the route of Customer Subscriptions page
  • Set the allowed customer groups
  • Set the notification message
  • Set the stop notification message
  • Set subscription success message
  • Set the subscription cancellation message
  • Allow to send emails when customers register a product
  • Select email sender
  • Select email template
  • Enable/disable out of stock alert
  • Allow to automatically send email when out of stock
  • Allow to send email based on the stock quantity
  • Select stock alert email sender
  • Select out of stock alert email template
  • Select back to stock alert email template
  • Enable/disable price change alert
  • Allow to automatically send price change email
  • Select price alert email sender
  • Select the price change email template
  • Set the notify button text
  • Set the stop notify button text
  • Set the button text color
  • Set the button color
  • Set the button width
  • Set the button border radius

Manage Customer Subscriptions

  • Track subscription ID
  • Track subscribed product ID
  • Track subscribed product name
  • Track subscribed product SKU
  • Track subscribed product image
  • Track customer email
  • Track customer name
  • Track the website of the subscribed product
  • Track the creation time
  • Track the send date
  • Track the send count
  • Track the status


  • API supported
  • 100% Open-Source
  • Cache Supported
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Easy To Install
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 30-day Money Back

Release Notes

New Update (released on June 6th, 2024)

  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7

Version 1.0.2 (released on May 8th, 2023)

  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.6

Version 1.0.0 (released on Jul 23rd, 2021)

  • Initial Release

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification extension? See the list below for our most frequently asked questions. If your questions are not listed here, please contact us.

Feature FAQs

To install this plugin, please refer to this document for detailed instructions. It will take you just a few minutes to install our extension.

Follow: Store > Settings > Configuration. Then span Magezon extension. Choose Out Of Stock Notification section and configure it.

The workflow is: The admin configures the extension from the backend >> From the front end, customers enter their email address and hit the notify button >> Customers will receive notification emails if the subscribed product is out of stock, back in stock, or changes in price.

We continuously strive to update the module to bring you the best product without an updating fee.

Yes. The extension allows you to design the button color, button radius, button size, and button text message.

Yes. Just go to Store >> Settings >> Configuration. Span Magezon Extension >> Out Of Stock Notification. Then allow the system to send mail when the stock quantity is more than your desired amount.

Support FAQs

To get support for installation, you need to pay $50 per product. You can pay for installation fee while adding a product to cart from its detail page by ticking Installation Support + $50.00 in the Additional Services block. Or purchase installation support separately from this page.

After finishing your purchase, please submit a ticket and we're ready for help within 24 hours. Don't forget to include the following information in your ticket:

  • Order ID

  • SSH account & admin account

Absolutely. Magezon offers you free lifetime updates and 90-day free support.

After 90 days, you need to pay an extra fee for our support. However, we believe that 90 days is enough for you to install, run and use our extension properly on your website.

If you have any questions or need any support, feel free to contact us via the following ways. We will get back to you within 24 hours after you submit your support request.

Payment FAQs

Currently, we only support payment via Paypal if you purchase products on our website. However, we will consider other payment methods and notify you of this.

Yes, you can ask for a refund within 30 days since your purchase. However, please check our refund policy first to make sure that you are eligible for the refund. Then send your request by submitting contact form or emailing us at

Yes, you just need to pay one time to get our product without monthly service or update cost or something like that.

License FAQs

According to our license policy, you are allowed to use a single extension license on only one Magento installation.

If you want to use our extension on another Magento installation, you have to purchase another license for this installation.

If you’re running multiple domains or websites under the same Magento installation, you just need to use one extension license.

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90-Day Free Support


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High Quality Code

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Extensive Documentation

All extensions come with a detailed PDF and online user manual.