Magento 2 Single Product Page Builder Full Features

Replace Magento 2 default product page layout with custom ones designed by yourselves


Builder Interface

Unlimited Layouts

Create as many product page layouts as you want and assign each to your desired product pages. 

All Product Types Supported

Change the page layout of any product types: simple, configurable, grouped, bundle, virtual and downloadable products.

Drag & Drop Interface

Move elements, control their size and spacing (margins & paddings) by simply dragging and dropping.

30+ Elements

Build any product page layout using 30+ elements: product name, product gallery, product price, reviews, upsell products, etc.

Product Variables

Use variables to insert any product attributes.

Layout Templates

Quick start with pre-made templates which can be fine tuned to your preference.

Responsive Design

Automatically adapt the product page layout to any device. You can also adjust the layout for each device if needed.

Layout Preview

Preview how a product page will look if it uses the layout.

Beyond Default


Custom Product Tabs

Add unlimited tabs and customize their content with 30+ elements. Display tab title bar as vertical or horizontal.

Custom Product Image Gallery

Display thumbnail images on the left, right, top or bottom. Control navigation styles, transition effects, transition duration and more.

Full Width Layout

Create a full width layout for your product pages.

Assigning Layouts To Products

Design Options

Set Default Layout

Set a default layout that is applied to all product pages on your site.

Use Conditions

Use conditions based on product attributes to assign a layout to your wanted product pages.

Assign From Product Edit Page

Assign a layout to a product from the product’s edit page.

Other Features


Target To Specific Store Views

Make the product page layout active on specific store views.

Set Active Date Range

Set the layout active within a specific period of time. Out of this time period, your product pages are in their normal layout.

Set Priority

Set priority to a layout so that if a product is assigned to multiple layouts, it will be displayed in the one with higher priority.


All elements provided to build product page layouts can be read and indexed easily by web bots.

Cache Support

Work with Magento cache to improve the performance of your product pages.

Layout Profile Grid

Manage all layout profiles in a grid in the backend where you can enable/disable, edit or delete them.

50 Elements


Magento Themes

Work well without conflict with any themes that follow Magento 2 coding standards.

Magezon Page Builder

Use 50+ elements from Magezon Page Builder to build your product page layouts. 

Magento 2 Image Gallery

Use the Related Albums element to insert product-related photo albums.  

Magento 2 Product Attachments

Use the Product Attachments element to display file attachments assigned to a product. 

Magento 2 FAQ

Add the FAQ Related Question element to insert product-related FAQs. Add the FAQ Question Form element to insert a form for submitting questions

Magento 2 Size Chart

Use the Size Chart Button element to display the size chart button. Use the Size Chart Content element to add size chart content related to a product.

Magento 2 Product Page PDF Builder

Add the Print PDF element to insert a button by clicking on which users can download a PDF version of the product page.

Magento 2 Blog

Add the Blog element to display blog posts related to a product.

Magento 2 Shop By Brand

Use Brand Logo element to display the logo of the brand that the product belongs to. Use the Brand Product element to add a block of related products from that brand.

Magento 2 Countdown Timer

Insert the Countdown Timer Content element to display all countdown timers assigned to a product.

Efficient Workflow


Advanced Features





Support & Documentation

Support & Documentation


  • Chat with us directly via the online support channel to quickly get help with either technical issues or pre-sale questions.


Besides Live Chat, you can contact us via Ticket or Email to get support at our working time.

User Guide

A comprehensive guide for each Magezon extension on how to use the extension step-by-step.

Blog Tutorials

Read our blog to get tips on E-commerce success and learn all about how to use Magezon extensions as well as Magento.

Video Tutorials

Watch our video tutorial series on our Magezon Youtube channel to know how to use our extensions in detail.

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